Newest Vim Programming Tips
Clean vim draw/artifacts
Seth Messer
1 response
vim, ide
Delimiter @ for replacers
Shairon Toledo
0 responses
sed, vi, awk, regexp
Use vi bindings in your bash/zsh
Piotr Jakubowski
0 responses
zsh, vim, bash
Start GVim maximized on Ubuntu
Alex Galushka
1 response
vim, gvim, vim-gnome
Vim Git Diff in the Gutter
Rajeev N Bharshetty
2 responses
rails, vim, tip, plugin
Invoke js-beautify in Vim
Thomas Peklak
0 responses
vim, javascript, beautify
Vim Spellchecking for Markdown Files
Dan Knox
0 responses
vim, macvim
Chris Patuzzo
0 responses
vim, ctrlp
VimTip#4: jumping around methods
Jan Dudulski
2 responses
vim, motion commands
Replace tabs with spaces in Vim
Joe James
3 responses
vim, whitespace, vi
(re) generating ctags to include bundled gems
Greg Osuri
1 response
ruby, bundler, vim, ctags
Display all vim windows in buffer
David Chua
0 responses
vim, cheatsheet
Display 80 column border in vim
Olexandr Shalakhin
0 responses
vim, pep8
View git commit changes in vim
Alessandro Mecca
0 responses
git, diff, vim, commit
git diff highlighting
Felix Puchinger
0 responses
vim, syntax, git, highlighting
'sudo' after opening the file
Rajeev N Bharshetty
1 response
rails, vim, tip, vimrc
Open Git conflicts in Vim
Dwain Faithfull
3 responses
shell, vim, git
Unholy trinity of Vim, CygWin and Windows
Tommi Carleman
0 responses
vim, dotfiles, cygwin
Interactive Vim Tutorial
Rajeev N Bharshetty
1 response
vim, tips