Programatically install Vim bundles
I have a simple bash script I use to normalise my shell on various computers. There are a selection of Vim plugins I couldn't live without, and therefore scripted up a basic Vim plugin install pattern that I use as part of the script that copies my various dotfiles into a system.
I've split the install process for each plugin into a separate file, and call them like:
# filename:
Pathogen is required for many plugins, so it is installed first. The contents of vim/
# First make sure pathogen isn't present
if [ ! -f "`eval echo ${DIRECTORY//>}`" ]; then
# I've simply copied the pathogen install steps from the README
mkdir -p ~/.vim/autoload ~/.vim/bundle; \
curl -Sso ~/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim \
Finally, an example of installing a plugin:
# Again, ensure the plugin hasn't been installed yet
if [ ! -d "`eval echo ${DIRECTORY//>}`" ]; then
cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone git://
Written by Michael Robinson
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2 Responses

Unless you have plugins with build/install stages, isn't this easier to do with git submodules? I do just that for my Vim setup and clone it from GitHub whenever I have to get my Vim environment.

Good point gaveen, that would work well. I'm planning on moving plugin-specific ~/.vimrc config into the install scripts as well, as since starting to use a bunch of plugins my ~/.vimrc file has become rather unwieldy.