Newest Vim Programming Tips
Update your vim pathogen plugins.
Jens Grassel
9 responses
shell, vim, git, pathogen
Keep Pathogen bundles up to date with git
Garrett Oreilly
1 response
vim, plugins, vcs, git
Faster TDD with RSpec, Vim, and quickfix
Jim Stewart
0 responses
tdd, vim, rspec, quickfix
Faster TDD with RSpec, Vim, and quickfix
Jim Stewart
0 responses
tdd, rspec, vim, quickfix
Backup all modified files in git.
Sequoia McDowell
7 responses
vim, xargs, git
easy read-only vim for a "less" with syntax highlighting!
Adrian Artiles
2 responses
shell, vim, read, files
VIM: format current scope
Thomas Peklak
0 responses
vim, format
Quickly Generate Lorem Ipsum
Joseph Jaber
2 responses
sublime, vim, textmate, web design
Interact with the clipboard from VIM
Daniel Rodríguez
0 responses
vim, linux, xclip
Vim shortcuts for Chrome browser
Benjamin Harris
0 responses
chrome, vim, browser, shortcuts
Tricked out VIM
Dustin Dalen
0 responses
Easily compile vim on Ubuntu
Benjamin Harris
2 responses
vim, linux, ubuntu
Vim: save without sudo
0 responses
vim, hacks
My vimfiles
Igor Leroy
0 responses
python, vim, leroy
Turning Vim into a modern Python IDE
Igor Leroy
0 responses
python, vim, leroy
Quicker escape from insert mode in VIM
karthik selvakumar
0 responses
vim, vi, editors
Toggle between colorschemes on vim
0 responses
vim, colorscheme
Start MacVim/GVim maximized
Ricardo Cruz
1 response
vim, gvim, mvim
Start MacVim in fullscreen
Stanislaw Pusep
0 responses
vim, mac, macvim
just awesome online vim configurator
Sergii Khomenko
0 responses
vim, vimrc
Vim redraw shortcut
Julian Churchill
0 responses
vim, tmux
Solid ST2 (and other editor) syntax themes
Jon Thomas
0 responses
vim, textmate, st2, syntax themes