Newest Vim Programming Tips
zsh vi-mode
John Antoni Griffiths
0 responses
zsh, terminal, vi
Speed up CTRL+P
John Antoni Griffiths
0 responses
vim, ctrlp
Global Search in vim
Herson Salinas
0 responses
viml, vim
Quickly find that unicode symbol you were looking for
Jakh Daven
0 responses
vim, unicode, digraph
Replace :key => with key: using vim
Alexandr Korsak
0 responses
ruby, vim
Vim: Keep text selected after indentation.
Nick Larson
2 responses
vim, indentation
Switch from SublimeText/TextMate to Vim
Jared McFarland
8 responses
vim, programming, text editing
:Sex in vim
0 responses
vim, sex
Building and Deploying an Android app from the Shell
0 responses
android, vim
Completion for parentheses, braces and brackets in Vim
José Luis García
0 responses
vim, vimrc, completion
Vim - Background Server
Chris Patuzzo
0 responses
ruby, vim
VIM's Command Line Window. And Search Window.
Juan C. Muller
0 responses
vim, development, vi, macvim
Your GitHub URLs should be timeless
Mislav Marohnić
1 response
vim, url, bookmarklet, git
Evaluate Ruby in Vim
Sonny Scroggin
0 responses
ruby, vim
Sintaxis de Mathematica en vim
José Iván López
0 responses
vim, mathematica
Easy underlining of Markdown headings in Vim
Benjamin Sullivan
0 responses
vim, markdown
Twitter Bootstrap Snippets for Vim
Benjamin Sullivan
0 responses
vim, twitter, bootstrap, prototyping
CtrlP + Line Number
Thomas Peklak
0 responses
vim, ctrlp