Newest Vim Programming Tips
Speed up Vim + Ruby when using rbenv
Mariusz Cieśla
0 responses
ruby, vim, rbenv
gvim always new tab with fish shell
0 responses
fish, vim, gvim, fishshell
My pinky is tired - VIM
Amos King
0 responses
vim, productivity, shortcuts
My Fugitive Mappings
Colin Wood
0 responses
vim, git, fugitive, version-control
Read-only VIM Trick
Taylor Leach
0 responses
vim, trick, unix, cat
Identar texto en VIM
Boris Quiroz
0 responses
vim, indent, text align
Vim stuff everyone should know about
4 responses
vim, shortcuts
Delete a word in vim
0 responses
vim, rashmi14yadav, mvim
Use Solarized in your Vim? Use Light during the day and Dark at night!
Garrett Oreilly
1 response
vim, solarized, vimrc
start your editor in less
0 responses
nano, emacs, vim, less
Vim Paredit Gone Nutz?
Rhodri Pugh
0 responses
vim, paredit
How to save and open sessions in Vim
Rômulo Machado
0 responses
vim, sessions
vim :w!!
Bart Lantz
6 responses
Quick edit the recent changed file with vi & ls
Zhang Tai
0 responses
shell, bash, vim
Copy/Cut text to clipboard in vim
Herson Salinas
0 responses
viml, vim
Copy yanked text to vim command line
Colin Wood
1 response
vim, yanking, copying into command line
Vim - hiding carriage returns (^M)
Gregory Pakosz
0 responses
vim, .vimrc