Newest Vim Programming Tips
Update a pip requirement with ViM
Colin Wood
0 responses
vim, django, pip, requirements
Show date and time in Vims statusbar
Auke Willem Oosterhoff
0 responses
vim, statusbar
CTags definition for Javascript
Auke Willem Oosterhoff
0 responses
vim, ctags, javascript
necessary to know VimL
0 responses
python, perl, viml, vim
Making multi-line C macros readable
Thanasis Karetsos
0 responses
vim, awk, c
Fancy Plaintext Checklists
Jason Seney
0 responses
vim, todo, lists, notes
Edit terminal command in Vim
Celso Dantas
0 responses
terminal, vim
Format text into columns in Vim
Matt Senior
0 responses
vim, linux
Vim "swap", "backup" and "undo" files.
Rafael Bika
3 responses
vim, backup, undo, swap
How to remove TABs from source files
Beat Bolli
0 responses
vim, tabs, indent, retab
Save Readonly file in Vim
Leo Zhang
0 responses
shell, vim
Firefox: MacVim or SublimeText as external Source View editor.
Sharipov Ruslan
0 responses
firefox, sublime, vim, sublime-text
Open vim with each file in a new vertically-split window from the CLI
Mark McD ☠
0 responses
vim, cli, text, vi
Open vi/vim on a specific line number
Mark McD ☠
0 responses
vim, cli, text, vi
A vim plugin that shows changes since last git commit
Anthony Hall
0 responses
vim, debugging, git
zsh: command not found while executing shell commands in vim
Silas Sao
1 response
shell, zsh, vim, mac
Vim as hexadecimal editor
Sébastien Quioc
0 responses
vim, hexadecimal
remove whitespaces on vim
Antônio Roberto Silva
0 responses
regex, vim, remove whitespaces