Popular Rails Programming Tips
Mark Daggett
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rails, hash
Patch Rich for works on Rails 4
Manuel Albarran
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ruby, rails, rails 4, ckeditor
Rails log mixin
Jed Schneider
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tdd, rails, cucumber, productivity
Output objects in YAML format from Rails Console
Rob Volk
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ruby, rails
Generate large file via Rails
Andrei Subbota
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rails, stream
Have you lost a second of data?
Aaron Lasseigne
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ruby, activerecord, sqlite, rails
RailsAdmin and ActiveSupport::Concern
Julio Betta
0 responses
ruby, rails, activesupport, concern
If you're not Surprised by how Good you are it could be a Sign you're not Improving
Matthew Spence
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ruby, php, rails, learning
Create a New Gemset (Shorthand Syntax)
Kerem Bozdas
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ruby, rails, rvm, gemset
IRC Bot For wikipedia using ruby
Emad Elsaid
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ruby, rails, irc, bot
Convention: Tag RubyGems Tweet about your Gem Release and "tiny link" Changelog Diff
Mathias Gawlista
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ruby, rails, rubygems, gem
Repeating same request with VCR
Warut Surapat
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ruby, rails, vcr
Easily add named timestamp scopes
Jake Moffatt
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rails, activerecord, gem, scopes
Less generators with rails_admin gem
Adrian Peterson Co
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ruby, css, rails, sass
Automatic named scopes with state_machine
Michael Kohl
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ruby, rails, scopes, state_machine
Use thumbs up and order your posts by the votes they have using a query
Daniel villa
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ruby, thumbs_up, rails, query
Preparing a new Mac for Rails development
Thomas Klemm
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ruby, rails
Rewrite default collection/member routes
Alexandr Subbotin
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ruby, rails
Streamline your rails exceptions in development
Omar Mekky
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rails, development, repl, bug tracking
Heroku PG backups restore
Herman Moreno
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heroku, postgres
Stripping whitespace from model attributes
Jarrett Green
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rails, attributes, gem, whitespace
Select table names from SQL Server from a Mac via ActiveRecord and TinyTDS driver
Edward J. Stembler
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activerecord, mac, sql server, tinytds
Seconds Until End of Day
Dinesh Vasudevan
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rails, cache, seconds_until_end_of_day
Ubuntu 12.04 Ruby on Rails Development
Pete Hudgins
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rails, postgres, ubuntu