Popular Rails Programming Tips
helper in console
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ruby, rails
Readonly ActiveRecord Columns
Sean Todd
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rails, activerecord, validation, readonly
Asset Precompilation + Mongoid
Bradley Grzesiak
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rails, heroku, assets, mongoid
Replace Factory for FactoryGirl with sed+ack
Javier Guerra
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ruby, rails, factory_girl, update rails
Track app exception
Benoit Molenda
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ruby, rails, exceptions, engine
Useful Rake task to restart database and import SQL dump
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ruby, rails, rake, postgresql
Rails debugging with better_errors and pow
Zach Gohr
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rails, pow, better_errors
Ruby on Rails & SQL Server
Chris Jenkins
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ruby, rails, sql, server
Safely Add Hstore Support to Postgres via ActiveRecord Migrations
Charles Zhang
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rails, activerecord, postgres, hstore
Developing with Small Tools
Micah Cooper
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ruby, rails, tools
Querying a big amount of Rails DB Objects "at once"
Oswaldo Ferreira
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rails, database, object, query
Infinite Scrolling in Ruby on Rails
Esteban Pintos
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rails, javascript, ruby
Redirect back on sign in with Devise
Oleg Potapov
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rails, devise
Cool Ruby Gems
Bob Roberts
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ruby, rails
Rack no-op
Andrew Radev
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ruby, rails, rack
Rails Vagrant box
Ali Ismayilov
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puppet, rails, vagrant, windows
Ruby on Rails 4 and Stripe
Josh Cavin
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rails, stripe
How to customize Http Digest Authentication error pages in Ruby on Rails
Peter Philips
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rails, http digest authentication
Reliable mocks with Bogus
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rails, cucumber, software design, spec
Heroku - Reset pg database
Nícolas Lazarte Kaqui
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rails, heroku, pg
Rails app templates
Chris Bell
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rails, github
One liner to create a Pow symlink for the current directory
Simon Starr
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rails, pow, bash
Bash alias for last rails migration
Shane Gibbons
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rails, bash
Real time in Rails
Romain Laurent
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ruby, rails
Rails + Capistrano + Myrepono
Tom Caflisch
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rails, capistrano, myrepono