Popular Rails Programming Tips
Rails + Capistrano + Myrepono
Tom Caflisch
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rails, capistrano, myrepono
Store Decryptable Passwords in ActiveModel Instances
Doug Puchalski
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ruby, encryption, rails, active-record
Rails...it is just Ruby
Bryan Mikaelian
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ruby, rails, devise, controllers
Multichannel Push Notification w/Parse and parse-ruby-client
Sebastián González
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ruby, parse, rails, parse-ruby-client
search usages of a partial in project
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rails, regular expression, search, partial
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rails, 3
Find arguments from Ruby method
Matt Brewer
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ruby, rails
Download your latest 30 Github Gists to local directory
Emad Elsaid
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ruby, rails, github
Rails helper attributes
Mehul Kar
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rails, 3
How to set up RSpec
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ruby, rails, gem, testing
Prettier passing of options in Ruby
John Amicangelo
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ruby, rails, hash, syntax
Easy Password Timeout Test
Sean Todd
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ruby, rails, test, user
Presenters with Ruby on Rails
Rinaldi Fonseca
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rails, presenters, design patterns
Fix TextMate Code Completion for Rails 4+ Models
Dave Gerton
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ruby, ruby on rails, rails, textmate
Rails convert ERB view files to Slim
Troy Martin
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rails, slim, convert, erb
ActiveRecord - Retrieve only a column from DB
Rafael Oliveira
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ruby, rails
Pushing compiled code to heroku
Michael Grassotti
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heroku, git
Sublime-Text - Settings
Débora Fernandes
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ruby, rails, sublime-text, git
Heroku Resources
Tom Milewski
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rails, heroku, ssl, dns
ExecJS::RuntimeError in Controller#action
Rajeev N Bharshetty
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ruby, rails, tip, error
I18n for text with links
Alexander Lang
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ruby, rails, i18n
DRY up your Rails App by using scopes
RJ Pittman
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activerecord, rails, dry
Using Postgres Regex expressions to find very specific matches
Mike Hall
0 responses
rails, sql, regex, postgres
Static Sites for Heroku unix function
Antonio Pagano
0 responses
ruby, heroku, site, markup