Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· blazeeboy

Download your latest 30 Github Gists to local directory

github API is very simple REST API, similar to Facebook Graph API
if you sent a GET request to some URL will respond in JSON with
the entity data.

Github API rate limit is 60 request per hour per IP address, so
you'll hit teh limit pretty fast if you don't have an authorized
application, Oauth applications gets upto 5,000 requests per Hours
Per IP address, this script uses a non authorized approach.

first you'll get the users first page of gists, to get second page
you need to add "?page=2" to the end of URL, but as we said we can't
do this because of the rate limit, if you'll use the second approach
then you're welcome to add this parameter and increase it each time.

second we'll iterate over all gists and make directory for each using
its unique ID and save the gist files to that directory.

aaaand its done, you have your latest 30 gists in a your local machine
in no time. :)

