Joined May 2011

Connect to Netezza via ODBC in Lua
Edward J. Stembler
0 responses
lua, netezza, odbc
Authenticates a Ruby on Rails User model via LDAP and saves their LDAP photo if they have one
Edward J. Stembler
0 responses
ruby, rails, authentication, ldap
Grouping by multiple fields in JavaScript or CoffeeScript using Underscore
Edward J. Stembler
0 responses
underscore.js, coffeescript, javascript, groupby
Custom ANSI-colored, Bash command prompt
Edward J. Stembler
0 responses
bash, ansi, command prompt, ps1
AngularJS Todo sample controller converted to CoffeeScript
Edward J. Stembler
0 responses
coffeescript, angularjs
Converting a Word document to text using IronPython
Edward J. Stembler
0 responses
ironpython, ms word
Replace Text within a Word document using IronPython
Edward J. Stembler
0 responses
ironpython, ms word
Overriding Rails 3 database configuration depending upon platform
Edward J. Stembler
0 responses
rails 3, database config
Select table names from SQL Server from a Mac via ActiveRecord and TinyTDS driver
Edward J. Stembler
0 responses
activerecord, mac, sql server, tinytds
158 Karma
16,992 Total ProTip Views

Have at least one original repo where C# is the dominant language

Would you expect anything less? Have at least one original repo where Python is the dominant language