Popular Rails Programming Tips
Prevent unicorn from Breaking the Debug Mode
Bui The Hoa
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debugging, unicorn, rails
Play Framework or RubyOnRails?
Daniel Cukier
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rails, play, play framework
Rails Environments
Mariz Melo
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ruby, rails
Integrate Rails flash alert/notice messages into Bootstrap 3 dismissible alert
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ruby, rails, bootstrap
Building Gemfile with Multiple Rails versions
David Paluy
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rspec, rails, gemfile, rails4
Thin web server
Boris Quiroz
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ruby, rails, thin, web server
Prefer guard clause to nested conditions
Tu Hoang
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rails, if, guard clause, nested conditions
Rails 4 OpenShift Logger Production
Dinesh Vasudevan
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ruby, rails, openshift, rails4
Easily switch user without login, logout
Vinh Nguyen Le
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rails, vinhnguyenleasnet
Testing Rails with Minitest
Mario Alberto Chavez
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tdd, rails, testing, minitest
Building your Own Paas (BYOP) Using Megam Cloud
Kishorekumar Neelamegam
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scala, heroku, rails, programming
Rebase & Push Non-Master Branch to Heroku
Aaron Miler
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heroku, git
Limitless strings for Postgresql
Robbie Marcelo
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activerecord, rails, postgresql
Rails view helpers in controller.
Tal Safran
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ruby, rails
Live Edit Scss on Chrome even with Rails
Rogério Chaves
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rails, chrome, sass, scss
Ensuring Data Integrity with Ruby on Rails
Tu Hoang
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rails, active record, validation, data integrity
Rails 4's `.select` and `.select!` object masked as a typical Array
Justin Smestad
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ruby, activerecord, bug, array
Make Your Database Field CaseSensitive
Rajeev N Bharshetty
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ruby, rails, database, mysql
Simple Activity Feed for "Following" Network
Justin Raczak
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rails, news feed, activity feed, social feed
CanCan Checking Destroy Abilities
Rafael Oliveira
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ruby, rails
Rails performance gains using .includes
Theo Styles
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ruby, rails, models
Decouple model tests from observers
Alexey Kuleshov
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ruby, tdd, rails, rspec
Task scheduling with Rails
Marcio Garcia
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ruby, rails, rufus