Popular Rails Programming Tips
Forgot to Sudo? !! is your friend
David Underwood
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rails, sudo, rake, bash
Rails 4 & Heroku. The Missing Assets
Neil Charlton
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heroku, rails4
pry in rails console
Alexander Kirillov
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rails, console, pry
Invoking helpers from API controller actions
Marcello Barnaba
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ruby, rails, activeadmin, api
Tame your email templates.
Craig McNamara
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ruby, rails, email
Using rbenv and rbenv-gemset with Passenger for Nginx
Thibault Couraud
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rails, nginx, rbenv, gemset
Quick and dirty way to test the end of a delayed::job
Yannick Schutz
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tdd, rails, cucumber, steps
Rails Assets + Twitter Bootstrap 3 + Simple Form = <3
Verónica Rebagliatte
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rails, bootstrap, rails assets, simple form
Rails ad-hoc page caching for signed in/out
John Barton
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rails, nginx, caching, scaling
Когда не использовать "unless"
Denis Starshenkov
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ruby, rails, development
Rails Phusion Passenger Asset Path with Subdirectories - development mode
Ashley Raiteri
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css, rails, development, apache
Zeus gem
Marcelo G. Cajueiro
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ruby, rails
Doctor, doctor; Why is my ActiveRecord scope eager-loading?
Stuart Liston
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activerecord, scope, eager load
Setting a VERSION environment var in rails... no wait!
Bernardo Galindo
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rails, rake, migrations, migrate
Plug and play administration panel for web frameworks
Endel Dreyer
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php, python, rails, administration
Rails: page and action caching
Emmanuel Turlay
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rails, caching
Bundler e Rails 2.3 LTS
Gustavo Kuklinski
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ruby, rails, rails legacy, rails 2.x
You have already activated spring 1.3.4, but your Gemfile requires spring 1.3.3... when you try to generate a model
Gustavo Leon
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bundler, rails, spring, model
Get foreman to show rails log when starting server
Jason Ayre
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ruby, rails, foreman
Inline SVG Gem
James Martin
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ruby, css, rails, gem
Prevent unicorn from Breaking the Debug Mode
Bui The Hoa
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debugging, unicorn, rails
Prepare Mac for development @FlatStack
Timur Vafin
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ruby, rails, osx, dotfiles