Popular Programming Tips
Setting up your own VPN server at home with DDWRT
Zoheb Sait
2 responses
opevpn, ddwrt, verizon, fios
Python Web Crawling for Emails
Saul Costa
1 response
python, web, beginner, crawling
Ignore .sass-cache folder in Sublime Text
Jon Thomas
9 responses
sublime text, sass
NTFS Read / Write in OS X
Jeffrey Jackson
3 responses
shell, terminal, osx, bash
Clean up OSX .dotfiles
Jim Greenleaf
3 responses
shell, alias, osx, files
Creating A Pixelated Background in Photoshop CS6
Mitchell Pash
0 responses
photoshop, wallpaper, clouds, adobe
nginx.conf query string processing
Jason Solis
0 responses
configuration, nginx
Scrape Site for JS Errors with Casper.js
David Morrow
5 responses
rails, javascript, casperjs
Ignore hover events with CSS
Danny Garcia
0 responses
css, tip, events
Vagrant + VirtualBox + Ubuntu = no internet access?
Ignas Butėnas
10 responses
virtualbox, network, vagrant, linux
Simple Git Log Output
Abizer Nasir
0 responses
git log, git
Difference between << and + operators in Groovy maps
Alexey Lisikh
0 responses
groovy, map, leftshift, plus
Run Rake tasks with Capistrano
Slava Ptsarev
3 responses
ruby, rails, capistrano, rake
Setup a MongoDB Container With a Docker File
Ismail Dhorat
0 responses
mongodb, docker
Hide cache folders (or any folder) in Sublime Text 2
Javier Cuevas
5 responses
rails, sublime-text, scss
How to undo a git commit --amend
Murphy Randle
0 responses
undo, screencast, commit, git
Upgrade Git to 2.5.2 in CentOS 6.4 through yum
Jeff Li
0 responses
linux, centos, rpm, git
Compiling for iOS outside of Xcode with xcrun
Gregory Pakosz
0 responses
xcode, makefile, xcrun
Running Gulp tasks in series
Steven Iseki
0 responses
node, javascript, less, gulp
Exponential Backoff in Bash
Phil Smith
0 responses
shell, bash
Deep clone a javascript object without underscore or lodash
Sebastian Schepis
3 responses
node, clone, javascript, deep clone
Creating a Hacker News Client Using Angular JS
11 responses
hacker news, html, javascript, angularjs