The rarely used === in Ruby
is almost never seen in Ruby. It's nothing like the JavaScript version of the operator. It is up to the class in question as to what it means. Here are a few examples:
/^zzz/ == 'zzzbb' # => false
/^zzz/ === 'zzzbb' # => true
Case Statements
Case statements use ===
This can be really useful for something like the following:
def tracking_service(num)
case num
when /^.Z/ then :ups
when /^Q/ then :dhl
when /^96.{20}$/ then :fedex
when /^[HK].{10}$/ then :ups
tracking_service('zZ') # => :ups
tracking_service('Qlksjdflk') # => :dhl
tracking_service('H2828282822') # => :ups
Arrays have a method called grep
that uses ===
["apple juice", "carrot juice", "coca-cola"].grep /juice/ # => ["apple juice", "carrot juice"]
checks to see if a number is contained.
(2..4) == 3 # => false
(2..4) === 3 # => true
(2..4) === 6 # => false
Lambdas evaluate under ===
is_even = -> (x) { x % 2 == 0 }
is_even == 4 # => false
is_even === 4 # => true
is_even === 5 # => false
Written by dickeyxxx
Related protips
4 Responses

Credit to for explaining some of these concepts on StackOverflow

Class objects implement === as "is_a?". Which is kind of neat for case statements, but also has a couple of gotchas:

From the (unofficial) Ruby Style Guide:
Avoid explicit use of the case equality operator ===. As it name implies it's meant to be used implicitly by case expressions and outside of them it yields some pretty confusing code.
# bad
Array === something
(1..100) === 7
/something/ === some_string
# good
some_string =~ /something/
Thanks, thenickperson. I'd follow that recommendation.