Popular Programming Tips
npm list --depth=0
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
12 responses
shell, nodejs, npm, workflow
Git 簡易使用教學
0 responses
git, github
OR queries with arrays as arguments in Rails 4
Rafał Cieślak
9 responses
rails, activerecord, sql, arel
Django Auth Class-Based-Views Login and Logout
Justin W
6 responses
python, django
Nested form and Rails 4
Mikhail Nikalyukin
11 responses
rails, nested attributes, nested_form, rails4
Super simple .htaccess rewrite to remove PHP file extensions and query strings from URLs
Anthony Levings
11 responses
php, apache, query, .htaccess
Upload a image using Ajax and FormData
André Luiz de Gusmão
0 responses
html5, file upload, xmlhttprequest, image upload
Parsing Large XML Files Using PHP
4 responses
php, xml
Convert 4 spaces to 2 in Sublime Text
Tessa Thornton
15 responses
sublime, indentation, tabs vs. spaces
Docker, why I prefer Alpine as base instead of Ubuntu
Balazs Nadasdi
2 responses
ubuntu, docker, alpine
jQuey fullCalendar plugin and repeatable events and tasks
Christopher Ramírez
4 responses
fullcalendar, javascript, jquery
Use Curl to Login to a Site with Cookie Sessions
Jason Seney
1 response
shell, web development, curl, networking
Make CSS dropdown menus work on touch devices
James Barnett
1 response
jquery, css, javascript
Waiting for all background jobs to finish in bash
Björn Andersson
1 response
shell, job control, bash
Easy embedding of web fonts using a SASS mixin
Peter Mescalchin
3 responses
css, design, webfont, sass
6 things you can do with Angular JS
Jose Jesus Perez Aguinaga
4 responses
javascript, angularjs
Java 6 and Java 7 on Windows
Alex Boyd
8 responses
vert.x, java, windows
Creating an iTunes ipa file for ad hoc distribution in 30 steps (Xcode for iOS)
Anthony Levings
1 response
xcode, distribution certificate, ipa, mobile provisioning
Quick and dirty fix for the infamous Safari blank-page bug
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
2 responses
coffeescript, nodejs, safari, express.js
Logging in Angular apps ... and how to filter those log messages
Oliver Tupman
6 responses
logging, delegates, javascript, angularjs
Get the list of all JVM on your Mac
Paolo Di Tommaso
0 responses
shell, osx, java
Redirect authenticated user on anonymous pages in Symfony
Zdeněk Drahoš
1 response
php, symfony, security, event listener