Popular Programming Tips
Python Decorators using self
charalampos papaloizou
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python, aop, decorators
AngularJS - Watch for changes in a service.
Josey Morton
0 responses
watch, services, angularjs
Mixing text and variables with HAML
Javier Cuevas
0 responses
ruby, rails, haml
Use CMake-enabled libraries in your CMake project
3 responses
install, cmake, export, external projects
CodeIgniter and Angularjs project
José A. Zulbarán R.
3 responses
php, codeigniter, angularjs
Faster page loads with Turbolinks
Rico Sta. Cruz
4 responses
ruby, rails, javascript, turbolinks
Prevent rendering your page inside an iframe using X-Frame-Options
Marcelo Waisman
0 responses
php, iframe, http
Create your work report using Git Log
Marco Vito Moscaritolo
17 responses
git, activity report
RSpec: allow vs expect
Vu Manh Cuong
1 response
ruby, rails, expect, allow
Retrieve single file from old commit on GIT
Willy Barro
0 responses
git, reset, checkout, revert
How To Check If JDK Is 32-bit or 64-bit?
Ivan Sim
0 responses
ivanhcsim, java
Private Cocoapods
Jeffrey Jackson
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xcode, mac, ipad, iphone
uuidgen in lowercase on Mac OS X
Guillaume Hain
0 responses
console, osx, command line, linux
Tracing with Wireshark on a remote PC via ssh
0 responses
linux, ssh, network, tracing
PostgreSQL with docker on OS-X
eranga bandara
0 responses
osx, postgresql, boot2docker, docker
S3 Group policy for read-only access to only one bucket.
Brock Angelo
3 responses
s3, aws, policy
How to add a contact form to a static website in 2 minutes
6 responses
html, static site, jekyll, github pages
Node.js is not suitable for generic web projects (III)
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
4 responses
coffeescript, web, software, productivity
Symfony2: Localized date string in Twig template
Andréia Bohner
2 responses
date, translate, symfony2, twig
Show current Git branch name in bash PS1
Robert Hennig
2 responses
branch, command line, git, ps1
How to use Logstash with Monolog
Sebastian Kück
1 response
php, logstash, monolog