Popular Programming Tips
Using barcode scanner with jQuery
Miguel Montes Porras
2 responses
javascript, jquery, reader, scanner
Read checkbox in Flask
Morteza Nourelahi Alamdari
1 response
python, flask, post, getlist
File Templates in Android Studio
1 response
templates, android, android studio
Bootstrap 3 in Symfony 2 with Composer and no extra bundles
Bruno Vitorino
11 responses
php, twitter, bootstrap, symfony
Lazy carousel in bootstrap
6 responses
bootstrap, carousel, lazy
Multiple ENV vars with UWSGI
Hatem Nassrat
2 responses
uwsgi, uwsgi config
Get a particular key value from json in ruby
Sandeep Kumar
0 responses
ruby, json, key value
Node.js is not suitable for generic web projects (II)
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
8 responses
web, software, productivity, workflow
Fix Sublime Text Home and End key usage on Mac OSX
Joel Day
14 responses
sublime text, keyboard shortcut, mac osx
Lookahead and Lookbehind regex
Adrian Gonzalez
0 responses
ruby, regex, regular expressions, pattern matching
Gzip Compression with NodeJS – zlib.gzip()
Christian Bundy
3 responses
gzip, compression, undefined, javascript
Absolute paths & require()
Jim Greenleaf
2 responses
nodejs, javascript
Saving Sub-Documents With Mongoose
Edmund Kump
3 responses
mongodb, mongoose, nodejs
How to name your servers
Julian Diaz
24 responses
linux, ascii, sysadmin, motd
Use your own vimrc when using sudo
6 responses
vim, sudo
Easily capture all events on a component in ExtJS
Dmitry Pashkevich
5 responses
debugging, extjs, javascript
Angular and Express Setup
4 responses
express, angular
Find and format difference between two strings in PHP
Grant Pierce
7 responses
php, diff, strings
Using ngCookies in AngularJS
Cato Auestad
2 responses
cookies, javascript, angularjs, angular
Dismiss Bootstrap Modal (Forever!) with jQuery Cookie, On Click
Andrew Borstein
0 responses
jquery, bootstrap, cookie, click
Remove blinking cursor
Tim Hartmann
2 responses
css, forms, scss, input
Build a blog with the MEAN stack (part 1)
Connor Leech
3 responses
nodejs, node, mongodb, javascript