Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· mimopoweb

Using barcode scanner with jQuery

Configure your barcode scanner prefix and suffix (Chek the manufacturer's manual)

  • Prefix: STX (Start of Text, Hex. 0x02)
  • Suffix: ETX (End of Text, Hex. 0x03)

Use the following plugin and example to read the barcode scanner output:

/* ========================================================================
 * Barcode Reader: jquery.mmp.barcodereader.js
 * ========================================================================
 * Copyright 2014 - Miguel Montes Porras - @mimopoweb
 * Licensed under WTFPL (
 * ======================================================================== */

(function( $ ) {
    $.fn.mmpBarcodeReader = function() {
        // Initialize buffer, it will contain the barcode scanner output
        $(this).data('mmpBarcodeBuffer', '');
        // Listen to barcode scanner output
            switch (e.which) {
                // STX Prefix (Start of Text)
                case 20:
                    $(this).data('mmpBarcodeReading', true);
                // ETX Suffix (End of Text)
                case 18:
                    $(this).trigger('end.mmp.barcodereader', $(this).data('mmpBarcodeBuffer'));
                    $(this).data('mmpBarcodeReading', false);
                    $(this).data('mmpBarcodeBuffer', '');
                // Regular char
                    if ($(this).data('mmpBarcodeReading')){
                        $(this).trigger('char.mmp.barcodereader', String.fromCharCode(e.which));
                        $(this).data('mmpBarcodeBuffer', $(this).data('mmpBarcodeBuffer') + String.fromCharCode(e.which));
        // Sometimes the STX Prefix triggers alternately the keyup & keydown events. Let's fix it!
            if (e.which == 20){
                $(this).data('mmpBarcodeReading', true);
}( jQuery ));


// Listen to all inputs inside the document element
    $(this).bind('start.mmp.barcodereader', function(e){
        console.log('start', e);
    $(this).bind('end.mmp.barcodereader', function(e, st){
        console.log('end', e, st);
    $(this).bind('char.mmp.barcodereader', function(e, ch){
        console.log('char', e, ch);

You have the code at

2 Responses
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Is there any demo available for it?

over 1 year ago ·

Sorry but I got no live demo for this plugin. Anyway, you can include both scripts in a HTML page and test it in your browser.

over 1 year ago ·