Founder of Some Companys and was employed by
PTS Hamburg, ERGO Versicherungs Gruppe
Siglekow Comp,
Gradlo Sec, Power Sec
Joined April 2014
Creating CLI & WEB PHP Applications in a Easy Way
Frank Lemanschik
0 responses
php, web, cli, concept
Never use Packer.Io for Docker Only
Frank Lemanschik
0 responses
·,, never, use.
Automated Update a Running Docker Container and CleanUP old Version of it!
Frank Lemanschik
1 response
image, deploy, update, production
EXTRA: Security Heartbeat infos you should know about!
Frank Lemanschik
0 responses
security, static, ppa, update
SHELL SCRIPT: Add your Current Directory to PATH Envirment
Frank Lemanschik
0 responses
shell, linux, shellscript, add
Coderwall Code Highlighting don't works in Preview
Frank Lemanschik
0 responses
coderwall, bug, syntax, preview
HOWTO: !!!NOT!!! Store Passwords in Applications!
Frank Lemanschik
7 responses
password, storage, database user model, saver way to store passwords
RUN NODE JS Directly INSIDE the JavaVM
Frank Lemanschik
0 responses
solr, js, vert.x, jvm
Best Method for Logging when Using
Frank Lemanschik
0 responses
io, log, logging, remote
App Deployment on Windows now Days!
Frank Lemanschik
0 responses
app, windows, deploy, application
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