Popular Api Programming Tips
Use a Google Spreadsheet as your JSON backend
Martin Naumann
45 responses
trick, api, json, martin-n
Move over Bootstrap and Foundation, welcome Semantic UI
Nicholas Jordon
25 responses
php, css, html, open source
Simple rules for a sane RESTful API design
Gonçalo Morais
12 responses
rest, api, json, restful
Unlimited free private/public repos with Gitlab
Nicholas Jordon
12 responses
ruby, php, python, shell
Create a JSON RESTfull API using Slim framework
Jonathan Tavares
5 responses
php, api, json, slim
Sending PUT data through PHP cURL
Marlon Landaverde
1 response
php, rest, api, curl
Simple Data Synchronisation for Web & Mobile apps(working offline)
2 responses
mobile, api, sync, offline
Basic usage of Salt-API
Thomas Riboulet
0 responses
web, api, salt, saltstack
How to get HttpContextBase from HttpContext.Current in the Global.asax?
Mike Olsen
0 responses
.net, api, google analytics, c#
Google Spreadsheet JSON API: SQL Filtering
Otar Chekurishvili
1 response
google, js, api, json
HowTo: Generate Instagram access_token for API use
Craig Heneveld
3 responses
api, instagram, access_token, instagram api
Using Node.js with Express as a Simple API Mock Server
Adam Boczek
0 responses
nodejs, api, express.js, javascript
Getting weather via your command line
Daniel Pepin
4 responses
php, script, api, weather
Google Maps API (v3) with multiple markers
0 responses
jquery, api, google maps
Google Calendar API : Events and update
Thomas Riboulet
0 responses
google, api
Add a root URL to all Backbone API request
Mark Wales
4 responses
app, api, backbone, module
Pretty print json responses returned by curl requests in command line
Alexandru Topliceanu
0 responses
python, cli, api, curl
Calling app request on the rails console
0 responses
rails, console, api, controller
How to simply roll your own OAuth2 provider with direct user/pass access
Michiel Sikkes
0 responses
ruby, rails, api, oauth
Hello world! with Sinatra
Guilio Karadanais - sativaware.co.za
1 response
ruby, api, json, sinatra
apiDoc - Part 1 Introduction - RESTful web API Documentation
Peter Rottmann
0 responses
documentation, open source, api, restful
Render cached json using rails and redis
Tymon Tobolski
1 response
rails, api, json, cache
Make a painless web API in Ruby
Colin Mattson
2 responses
ruby, rails, rest, api
Query JSON documents with jq
Jan Ahrens
0 responses
command line, api, curl, json
Facebook - how to easy post to wall
0 responses
php, facebook, api, symfony