Popular Ubuntu Programming Tips
Reset a lost password on an Ubuntu VM
Matt Gauger
7 responses
linux, sysadmin, vmware, ubuntu
Purge deleted hard disks from Virtual Box
4 responses
oracle, virtual box, vm, ubuntu
updating PATH with ansible - system wide
Ali-Akber Saifee
2 responses
python, nodejs, regexp, ubuntu
Reset the MySQL 5.7 root password in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Jon Peck
5 responses
mysql, ubuntu, linux, server administration
Fix apt on old unsupported Ubuntu releases
James Wyse
6 responses
fix, apt, errors, ubuntu
Python + Django + Apache + Ubuntu
Madhu GB
6 responses
python, django, apache, ubuntu
Connecting to a MSSQL Server/Database With PHP on Ubuntu/Debian
Shabbir Hassanally
2 responses
php, mysql, web, cli
Unlimited free private/public repos with Gitlab
Nicholas Jordon
12 responses
ruby, php, python, shell
Ubuntu Recovery Mode - R/W File System
Ivan Sim
0 responses
linux, ivanhcsim, ubuntu
Installing libtorrent on Linux
Steely Morneau
1 response
python, cpp, build, install
Linode Debian 7 web server setup
3 responses
php, mysql, apache, debian
Setting up SublimeREPL with Python3
Tere Diaz
4 responses
python, ubuntu, sublimerepl
Docker, why I prefer Alpine as base instead of Ubuntu
Balazs Nadasdi
2 responses
ubuntu, docker, alpine
Refresh All SSL Certificates Ubuntu
Blitline Developers
0 responses
ubuntu, ssl, certificates, certs
Installing ImageMagick for PHP on Ubuntu 12.04
0 responses
php, imagemagick, ubuntu
How to Copy and Paste with Tmux on Ubuntu
Anton Kalyaev
2 responses
tmux, ubuntu
Memory efficient Ubuntu VMs
Attila Györffy
14 responses
virtualisation, vmware, ubuntu
Make LiveUSB from iso (Ubuntu, ArchLinux, etc)
Fernando Briano
4 responses
archlinux, liveusb, ubuntu
Installing 'The Silver Searcher' on Ubuntu
Peter Golm
3 responses
shell, grep, linux, tool
Enable remote root login on Ubuntu safely
Janos Gyerik
0 responses
security, ssh, sudo, ubuntu
Ansible: Reboot Ubuntu if needed
Lorin Hochstein
4 responses
ubuntu, ansible
Install nodejs using homebrew and install appium
Shlomi Toussia-Cohen
2 responses
linux, homebrew, npm, brew
Change the dependencies of a deb package
Camilo Cota
0 responses
debian, apt, ubuntu
Install SASS in Ubuntu
Alberto Aldegheri
0 responses
css, ubuntu, sass
Run scripts on Linux/Ubuntu every few seconds, faster than Cron can do it.
Ivan Đurđevac
4 responses
php, linux, cron, ubuntu