Trending Programming Tips
Super Quick Start Guide for Yeoman, Grunt and Bower
Pete Otaqui
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Spoofing mac address
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How I delayed/timed Animate.css animations
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css, animations, animate, jquery - Tips on creating great UI's
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alias :q=exit
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Javascript TimeAgo Func. (e.g. 8 hours ago)
goker cebeci
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How to install nginx with passenger using chef
Snir David
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Multiple aliases on every entry of SSH's config file
Antonio Ognio
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Take control of your Heroku Git repository
Dharampal H S
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Task Lists in Github Gists
Sıtkı Bağdat
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Intellij IDEA how to upload project to remote branch?
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Neat little ko.observableArray trick
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SOAP in Ruby with Savon 2 and nested attributes
Martin Naumann
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ScriptableObject Gotcha
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Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) (Mysql2::Error)
Matthew Barram
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Using wkhtmltopdf and an Xvfb daemon to render HTML to PDF
Larry Williamson
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iOS 7 Beta
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Using Carrierwave uploader for tableless model in Rails
Agung Prasetyo
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Get the Index of an element in a collection via LINQ
Ion D. Filho
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.net, csharp, linq, c#
Organise your site-cookbooks with Berkshelf and this trick
Vasily Mikhaylichenko
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dependencies, chef, berkshelf, chef solo