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Convert all MyISAM tables to Aria
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Render cached json using rails and redis
Tymon Tobolski
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Force elements into :hover, :active, :focus and :visited state with Chrome dev tool
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Learning the UNIX command line on OS X
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Titanium CLI + Alloy + Coffeescript
Julio Betta
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Fix Sublime Text Home and End key usage on Mac OSX
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Responsive Images
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Fail a Jenkins Build if Your Ruby Code Sucks
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Twitter and Node.js, Application Auth
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Go to function declaration in Sublime Text
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Hierarchical data in postgres
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Why you shouldn't use Entity Framework with Transactions
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Scope search results on Sublime Text 2
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Simple way to dynamically add active class to li element
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Shorter IF statement for Javascript
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Ember Data: Alternative Approach to Polymorphic Associations
Michael Bodnarchuk
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Need placeholder images for your prototype?
Andrea Beithon
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Refreshing the Unity3d GameView Programatically
Brandon Catcho
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Force ignore on your .gitignore
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List view animation + Activity transition animation
Gautam Basubramanian
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List all gems without version numbers, and easily re-install them
Ivan Storck
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