Joined June 2013


Android Platform Software Develope
Ukraine, Lviv

He is a conservative geek. After finishing school he has focused on it-technologies. No one seen him from this time. It can freely be said that he’s in it always, except when he’s asleep of course, but maybe even than, who knows?!

He enjoy learning and creating something new. He wants everything look great. He’s a perfectionist with sense for details. He ensures the quality and high professionalism in everything he does. One word – programmer.

LinkedIn Blog StackOverflow

Volley - Code Snippets

0 responses · networking, network, volley, android-volley

Activities, Threads, & Memory Leaks

0 responses · android, memory leak, thread, handler

Commonly used Android reg exp

0 responses · android, regular expression, regexp
344 Karma
95,057 Total ProTip Views
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