Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· dedenf

Spoofing mac address

another tool that i use for covering my ass from tracking beside my tunnel tool, i use spoof-mac, a python library that can be called from your lovely terminal, you could install it via pip install SpoofMAC.

run sudo spoof-mac randomize wi-fi and you'll get a random mac address assigned to your ether. you could set the spoof-mac to run everytime you boot up your machine and before joining the network (see their github project).

or maybe if you don't want to install spoof-mac you could always use good old fashion ifconfig by runnning this command sudo ifconfig en0 ether xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (remember, use hex for macaddr). or you can use a generated value by using this

openssl rand -hex 6 | sed 's/\(..\)/\1:/g; s/.$//'