Conquer Code in Vim With 4 Keystrokes or Less
Vim's power is its infinitely extensive customizability and terseness. Learn these tips and maybe you'll eventually solve all of mankind's problems in less then 7 keystrokes.
Fix vim after upgrading to yosemite
Christian Schlensker
1 response
osx, vim, yosemite
Fastest way to comment out a block of code in vim
Duncan Wong
2 responses
vim, vi, comment
Less command: edit file shortcut
Adam Stankiewicz
3 responses
vim, unix, sublimetext
Install vim on FreeBSD without X11
Ricardo Falasca
0 responses
vim, ee, vi, freebsd
MacVim with file browser
Tanja Pislar
0 responses
vim, beginner
Ctags + Bundler + Vim = Exuberance
0 responses
ruby, bundler, vim, ctags
Run tests from MacVim in iTerm session
Harlow Ward
2 responses
vim, applescript, iterm2
Vimify your command line
Michał Szajbe
1 response
vim, command line
Run a Matlab script from ViM
Christos Delivorias
0 responses
matlab, osx, vim, linux
Sort gems in your Gemfile
Alex G
8 responses
rails, vim, gemfile
rails.vim: navigating your Rails project
Sindre Moen
0 responses
ruby, rails, vim
zsh: command not found while executing shell commands in vim
Silas Sao
1 response
shell, zsh, vim, mac
Many editors, many developers, one convention.
Alif Rachmawadi
3 responses
emacs, vim, sublimetext, textmate
OS X: Systemwide VIM Bindings
Luis Nell
0 responses
cocoa, emacs, osx, vim
Add some git powered muscle to your project I
Rob Jens
0 responses
diff, vim, source, management
Better Vim Syntastic Symbols
Ben Doerr
0 responses
haskell, vim, vimrc, syntastic
Auto format golang files in vim
Camilo Lopez
0 responses
vim, golang, fmt
Vim stuff everyone should know about
4 responses
vim, shortcuts
tmux 1.8 + vim/MacVim: easy OSX clipboard integration
Sharipov Ruslan
0 responses
osx, vim, tmux, macvim
Benjamin Chrétien
0 responses
workspace, vim, plugin