Conquer Code in Vim With 4 Keystrokes or Less
Vim's power is its infinitely extensive customizability and terseness. Learn these tips and maybe you'll eventually solve all of mankind's problems in less then 7 keystrokes.
Compile command-t vim plugin with homebrew and macvim
Hector Garcia
2 responses
ruby, osx, vim, homebrew
Open Git conflicts in Vim
Dwain Faithfull
3 responses
shell, vim, git
tmux cycle window layouts
Bert Heymans
0 responses
vim, tmux, shortcut
VIM as a log viewer/logfile filter
Oliver Mueller
2 responses
vim, logfiles
Put your .dot files in a repository
Tim Heap
0 responses
shell, vim, dot files, git
Completion for parentheses, braces and brackets in Vim
José Luis García
0 responses
vim, vimrc, completion
Vim a file 'utf-16' encoded
Yuwei Ba
0 responses
vim, file, encoding
Vundle `PluginInstall` from shell
Jake Teton-Landis
1 response
shell, vim, vundle, bundleinstall
css color preview plugin done right
Konstantin Gorodinskiy
2 responses
css, vim, colors, plugin
Decrypt and Open Encrypted File into Vim
Jason Seney
0 responses
shell, security, vim, encryption
Vim auto-indent on save
Trevor Rothaus
0 responses
vim, indent, auto-indent, autocmd
Vim CTags for Ruby projects
Luca Guidi
0 responses
ruby, vim, ctags
Find recursively and sort by last modified
Ivan Zarea
0 responses
shell, vim, tip, bash
Learning Python? Use Vim + dotfiles
Andrew V.
6 responses
python, vim
Vim: sorting a block of text
Benjamin Chrétien
0 responses
vim, sort
Quick save in ViM
Christos Delivorias
0 responses
osx, vim, linux
Lookup pydoc using Vim keywordprg
Saager Mhatre
1 response
python, vim, keywordprg, pydoc