Popular Routing Programming Tips
AngularJS Access Control and Authentication
Mandingo Brown
23 responses
acl, authentication, routing, routes
Get request path in PHP for routing
Otar Chekurishvili
3 responses
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Easy i18n with language prefix and language-related route in Laravel 4
Marvin Roger
9 responses
php, laravel, languages, routing
How to get language switching back in Laravel 4
Dhaya Benmessaoud
4 responses
php, laravel, languages, routing
Symfony2: Redirecting a root path to that of a default locale.
Craig Marvelley
2 responses
routing, symfony2
Rails routing and namespaced models
Miha Rekar
1 response
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Extended Paul Irish's DOM-based Routing for CoffeeScript
Tadas Tamošauskas
1 response
rails, web, routing, coffeescript
Symfony2 Routing: Trailing slash with an optional parameter
Andréia Bohner
1 response
trailing slash, routing, symfony2, parameter
Javascript MVC and python SimpleHTTPServer
Antonio Lettieri
1 response
python, backbone, routing, ember
Authenticated routing in Angular
Xavier Cambar
0 responses
angularjs, routing, login, angular
Routing with PIMF php micro framework
Gjero Krsteski
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php, routing, framework, oop
Redirect to named url in Django
Tomasz Walotek
0 responses
python, django, routing, urls
Laravel 4 Resource route names in group
Marcus Ramsden
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laravel, routing
PushState "Magic Rule" in RoR
Emmanuel Bourgerie
1 response
ruby, rails, backbone, routing
Simple and correct RESTful routing in RoR
1 response
ruby, rails, rest, ror
Dynamically define and mount rails controller once the application has started
Miguel Fernández
0 responses
rails, testing, routing, controllers
Customizing Routes in ASP.NET MVC
John Atten
1 response
asp.net mvc, routing, c#
froute - Simple Node.js Routing
Lee Crossley
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Routing Basics in ASP.NET Web API
John Atten
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asp.net, routing, c#, web api
Nested Routing w/ a parameterized scope
Tony Schneider
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Routing Spec fails even though there is a route ?
Dinesh Vasudevan
0 responses
rails, routing, spec
Use Slim.
Will Smidlein
0 responses
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Routing Basics in ASP.NET MVC
John Atten
0 responses
mvc, asp.net, routing
Standalone JavaScript Routing
Milos Dakic
0 responses
javascript, js, front-end, routing
Recent Activity
A minimalistic routing approach for React.js apps
Konstantin Tarkus
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Access polymorphic_path inside a model in Rails
Marc Anguera Insa
ruby, rails, hack, routing
Laravel 4 Resource route names in group
Marcus Ramsden
laravel, routing
Dynamically define and mount rails controller once the application has started
Miguel Fernández
rails, testing, routing, controllers
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