Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· matiasdim

Simple and correct RESTful routing in RoR

The correct way to create routes following good practices REST (RESTful) per method are:


To obtain a users list(e.g.) the link structure should be /users and go to index action, using get

get "/users", :to =>'users#index'

And to obtain a single user(e.g.) the link structure should be /users/1 and go to show action, using get

get "/users/:id", :to =>'users#show'


To create a user(e.g.) the link structure should be /users and go to create action, using post

post "/users", :to =>'users#create'


To update a user(e.g.) the link structure should be /users/1 and go to update action, using put

put "/users/:id", :to =>'users#update'


To delete a user(e.g.) the link structure should be /users/1 and go to delete action, using delete

delete "/users/:id", :to =>'users#delete'

1 Response
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Thanks, very easy and illustrative. Can I ask you, if I need to execute a specific action to an entity (updating just one attribute) but without showing the user the entity we're trying to update but a couple of buttons, should I use PUT as the method for this action?

over 1 year ago ·