Mother, web developer and blogger. Love: family, dance, PHP, symfony, gadgets, arabic and ambient music, photography, nature.
Joined July 2012
Forbidden message when accessing phpMyAdmin in localhost on OSX 10.10 (Yosemite)
Andréia Bohner
0 responses
osx, apache, phpmyadmin, yosemite
Doctrine: get single row or null
Andréia Bohner
0 responses
Symfony2 and Doctrine2: INDEX BY in QueryBuilder
Andréia Bohner
0 responses
doctrine2, symfony2
FOSUserBundle: Using BCrypt Password Encoder
Andréia Bohner
0 responses
security, bcrypt, fosuserbundle, symfony2
Symfony2: Localized date string in Twig template
Andréia Bohner
2 responses
date, translate, symfony2, twig
Symfony2 Routing: Trailing slash with an optional parameter
Andréia Bohner
1 response
trailing slash, routing, symfony2, parameter
Symfony2 Forms: Easiest way to add an * to required field labels
Andréia Bohner
1 response
css, forms, symfony2
Symfony2.1: Adding (and/or Removing) fields using Event Subscribers
Andréia Bohner
0 responses
php, event, form, symfony2
Symfony2: Using absolute URLs for your assets
Andréia Bohner
0 responses
assets, symfony2, twig
File size
Andréia Bohner
0 responses
Size in Kb of BLOB fields
Andréia Bohner
0 responses
sql, oracle, pl
Zebra table using only CSS3
Andréia Bohner
2 responses
css, table, css3
995 Karma
133,041 Total ProTip Views

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Nephila Komaci
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