founder of the PIMF project, agilist, speaker, husband, father and musician
Joined November 2012
PHP Nuclear Reactor
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, agile, scrum, kanban
Why reactive application?
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, reactive, async, oop
Some short and quick SQL performance tips
Gjero Krsteski
2 responses
mysql, sql, performance, tune
Presentation about PIMF PHP Micro Framework
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, mvc, framework, oop
PIMF Starter Book
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, book, coderwall, framework
Core principles to make performant PHP applications
Gjero Krsteski
2 responses
php, performance, programming
PIMF Quick Starters
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, mysql, mvc, sqlite
PIMF Blog bundle using MySQL and SQLite
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, mysql, css, sqlite
Event handling with PIMF php micro framework
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, mvc, framework, oop
Routing with PIMF php micro framework
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, routing, framework, oop
PHP ExtJS Types Builder
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, json, extjs, oop
Simple Blog using PIMF micro framework and SQLite database
Gjero Krsteski
1 response
php, mvc, blog, micro
Generate security captcha image with PHP
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, security, gd, captcha
Building an Identity Map in PHP
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, coderwall, slideshare, orm
The Principles of the MVC Design Pattern
Gjero Krsteski
3 responses
php, mvc, oop
Error handling + Custom 404 and 500 pages at PIMF
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, error handling, oop, pimf
PIMF is officialy powered by PHPStorm
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, ide, phpstorm, oop
Creating new command interface action at PIMF
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, mvc, cli, oop
Contributing to PIMF micro framework
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, micro, framework, fork
Working with PIMF Views and Tempate Engines
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, open source, framework, oop
PIMF - Database connection configuration
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, sql, open source, framework
Working with Pimf_Util_Message
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
open source, framework, oop, pimf
PHP DBA Cache Monitor
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, open source, cache, gui
Create a factory of rules with Pimf_Util_Validator
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, validator, oop, pimf
The YAGNI Principle
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
principle, programming, agile, team
mysqli_stmt::bind_param aliasing violation
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, mysql, oop, mysqli
Proved PHP Design Patterns for Data Persistence, and the evolution to Identity-Map
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, pattern, oop, persistence
Store/cache data into DBM-style abstraction layer
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, open source, cache, dbm
For lazy unit testers - running phpunit in a loop
Gjero Krsteski
2 responses
php, testing, phpunit
591 Karma
55,397 Total ProTip Views

The walrus is no stranger to variety. Use at least 4 different languages throughout all your repos

Nephila Komaci
Have at least one original repos where PHP is the dominant language

Nephila Komaci 3
Have at least three original repos where PHP is the dominant language

Have a project valued enough to be forked by someone else

Fork and commit to someone's open source project in need