Popular Pimf Programming Tips
Routing with PIMF php micro framework
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, routing, framework, oop
Simple Blog using PIMF micro framework and SQLite database
Gjero Krsteski
1 response
php, mvc, blog, micro
PIMF Quick Starters
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, mysql, mvc, sqlite
PIMF - Database connection configuration
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, sql, open source, framework
Working with PIMF Views and Tempate Engines
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, open source, framework, oop
Creating new command interface action at PIMF
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, mvc, cli, oop
PIMF Blog bundle using MySQL and SQLite
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, mysql, css, sqlite
Event handling with PIMF php micro framework
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, mvc, framework, oop
PHP Nuclear Reactor
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, agile, scrum, kanban
Contributing to PIMF micro framework
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, micro, framework, fork
PIMF is officialy powered by PHPStorm
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, ide, phpstorm, oop
Create a factory of rules with Pimf_Util_Validator
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, validator, oop, pimf
PIMF Starter Book
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, book, coderwall, framework
Error handling + Custom 404 and 500 pages at PIMF
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, error handling, oop, pimf
Presentation about PIMF PHP Micro Framework
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, mvc, framework, oop
Working with Pimf_Util_Message
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
open source, framework, oop, pimf
Displaying all 16 tips
Recent Activity
PHP Nuclear Reactor
Gjero Krsteski
php, agile, scrum, kanban
Presentation about PIMF PHP Micro Framework
Gjero Krsteski
php, mvc, framework, oop
PIMF Starter Book
Gjero Krsteski
php, book, coderwall, framework
PIMF Quick Starters
Gjero Krsteski
php, mysql, mvc, sqlite
PIMF Blog bundle using MySQL and SQLite
Gjero Krsteski
php, mysql, css, sqlite
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