Popular Oop Programming Tips
Converting PHP Objects to Arrays to read private members
Marco Pivetta
2 responses
php, reflection, oop
Alternatives to HMVC with Laravel
Hamza Ouaghad
0 responses
mvc, objects, code, http
Parsing CSV files in PHP (the fast way)
Antonin Januska
0 responses
php, csv, oop
The Principles of the MVC Design Pattern
Gjero Krsteski
3 responses
php, mvc, oop
Javascript Hook System
Richard Clifford
1 response
prototyping, hooks, plugins, javascript
Protected properties in Javascript
Martin Naumann
1 response
javascript, es5, martin-n, oop
Retrieving photo albums from vk.com
Anthony Shabanov
0 responses
php, oop, vk api, vk photos
PHP Private Class Member Visibility
Trevor N. Suarez
3 responses
php, oop, wat, strange behavior
Ruby: automatic get and set methods
Mariz Melo
3 responses
ruby, oop
Object-like C structs
Ulrik Flænø Damm
5 responses
c, oop
Generate security captcha image with PHP
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, security, gd, captcha
Why reactive application?
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, reactive, async, oop
PHP: Procedural to Object Oriented API
Stefano Azzolini
0 responses
php, proxy, api, curl
Building an Identity Map in PHP
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, coderwall, slideshare, orm
Free hosting with Pagoda Box
Nicholas Jordon
0 responses
php, css, open source, api
Ruby implicit coercion
Luca Guidi
3 responses
ruby, oop
PHP: Chainable cURL Object Oriented API
Stefano Azzolini
1 response
php, api, curl, oop
PHP ExtJS Types Builder
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, json, extjs, oop
Javascript Custom Object Simple Example
Patrick Cole
0 responses
beginner, javascript, oop
Use 'var' key to secure Local Variables in JavaScript
Shekhar Sharma
2 responses
variables, javascript, oop
Make tap{} return anything
Paweł Wilk
1 response
ruby, break, tap, flow control
Interactive example of Object Oriented Programming and Design Principles
Jorge Colon
0 responses
php, ood, object oriented programming, functional programming
Checking if a PHP method was called via late-static binding
Trevor N. Suarez
0 responses
php, oop, late static binding
Routing with PIMF php micro framework
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, routing, framework, oop
Recent Activity
PHP Nuclear Reactor
Gjero Krsteski
php, agile, scrum, kanban
check if a class exists within the extending hirachy
php, oop, classes, instanceof
Why reactive application?
Gjero Krsteski
php, reactive, async, oop
Simple addition
php, oop, static methods, array_sum
A ruby threads pool implementation
Sam Weerasinghe
ruby, signals, threads, pool
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