Joined December 2013

Anthony Shabanov
Saint Petersburg
Simple way to get the diff of followers and followed by in instagram
Anthony Shabanov
0 responses
node, nodejs, javascript, api
jQuery mk-js toasty plugin
Anthony Shabanov
0 responses
jquery, javascript, easter eggs, mk-js
HEX colors in Swift
Anthony Shabanov
2 responses
swift, ios, hex color
Simple UIProfiler with user timing API
Anthony Shabanov
0 responses
javascript, html
Simple angular and masonry directive without overlapping
Anthony Shabanov
5 responses
angularjs, js, masonry
Weather and Money Simple Parser
Anthony Shabanov
0 responses
ruby, parser, web weather, web money
Retrieving photo albums from
Anthony Shabanov
0 responses
php, oop, vk api, vk photos
Configure PostgreSQL in Rails 4
Anthony Shabanov
0 responses
connection, rails 4, postrgesql
125 Karma
25,295 Total ProTip Views

The walrus is no stranger to variety. Use at least 4 different languages throughout all your repos

Have at least one original repo where Ruby is the dominant language