Simple angular and masonry directive without overlapping
Today I face the problem of overlapped blocks after ng-repeat directive. Here the code that leads to overlapping.
<div class="main__results--instagram" ng-show="showInstagram">
<div ng-repeat="searchResult in searchResults.instagram" class="item item--instagram--{{ searchResult.imageType }}" ng-gate8-masonry>
<img ng-src="{{ searchResult.image }}">
A simple solution that came to me was to write my own directive (ng-gate8-masonry).
This directive is pretty easy:
(function() {
"use strict";
angular.module('masonry', ['ng']).directive('ngGate8Masonry', function($timeout) {
return function(scope, element, attrs) {
if (scope.$last){
$timeout(function () {
var parent = element.parent();
var masonry = new Masonry(parent[0], {
itemSelector: '.item',
isAnimated: true,
animationOptions: {
duration: 750,
easing: 'linear',
queue: false
transitionDuration : "0.4s",
isResizable: false
After finding the last element in ng-repeat loop ngGate8Masonry inits element parent container with masonry.
$timeout helps us to overcome the effect of overlapping.
TODO directory params for Masonry object init.
Written by Anthony Shabanov
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5 Responses

I hadn't heard of masonry until this so thank you!

Is this published on Bower or Github?

Not yet. I`m going to make some additional params for masonry config and then publish it. But now, you can see it in work here:
It`s my simple sails js social tag searcher. I use ngGate8Masonry directive in this project.
Thank for your interest in my work.

This script have changed my work day :)
This is brilliant !! thanks a lot !!