Ruby on Rails Development Tips
A collection of protips to help you work better with rails and dodge those nasty bugs.
How to transfer data seamlessly between various Ruby on Rails environments and databases
Omar Kamali
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ruby, rails, heroku, database
Use before/after callbacks when touch-ing your Rails models
Michiel Sikkes
1 response
ruby, rails, cache
How to redo a Rails database migration
Matthew Lenton
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rails, migration, redo, force
Deploing Symfony Project using MySQL to Heroku.
Mateusz Książek
8 responses
php, heroku, symfony, symfony2
Rails: add a route for a test
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ruby, tdd, rails, controller
Require all files within a directory in Ruby
Andy Kifer
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ruby, rails
Render an HTML partial inside a JSON request
Michel Billard
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rails, json, format, ajax
Value objects - a complete guide to Ruby code that is testable, readable and simple
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ruby, ruby on rails, rails, design patterns
Ruby: make plain text links clickable
Michael Kohl
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ruby, regex, rails, uri
persisted? && new_record? for checking existing record
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rails, rashmi14yadav, active_record
Create .ruby-version and .ruby-gemset files using RVM
Dwight Scott
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ruby, rails, rvm, rvmrc
Share localhost with anyone
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python, rails, osx, design
Case statement for Rails Enum
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ruby, rails, rails 4.1
Using External Database with Heroku
David Morrow
5 responses
rails, heroku
erb2slim - Convert ERB to Slim
James Duncombe
3 responses
rails, haml, slim, erb
Forms, CSRF authenticity token and fragment caching in Rails
Bashir Eghbali
3 responses
xss, cache, csrf, fragment caching
Preloading scoped has_many :through associations
Alex Popov
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rails, activerecord, sql, eager loading
Dynamically add nested forms to an ActiveModel::Model form
Sam Slotsky
12 responses
rails, reflection, javascript, add nested form
Forget counter cache for many-to-many associations in Rails
João Marcelo Oliveira de Souza
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ruby, rails, active record, counter cache
Multiple file uploads with carrierwave
Daniel Alejandro Gaytán Valencia
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ruby, rails, carrierwave, serialize
Convert a hash to query string parameters
Michel Billard
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rails, query-string
Take control of your Heroku Git repository
Dharampal H S
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ruby, rails, heroku, deployment
How to create scoped and namespaced CSS using SASS
Peter Nixey
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css, rails, sass
Linkedin OAuth2 Login for Rails
Troy Martin
4 responses
rails, ruby, linkedin, oauth2