Ruby on Rails Development Tips
A collection of protips to help you work better with rails and dodge those nasty bugs.
Automatically build and deploy Jekyll sites to heroku (from github)
7 responses
ruby, clojure, heroku, sinatra
Show hover text on a link
Amy Lai
0 responses
rails, link title, tooltips
Sample to get started with PJAX in Rails
Michiel Sikkes
6 responses
rails, pjax, javascript
Rails Quick Tips - Random Records
Matt Polito
12 responses
ruby, rails
Cucumber World object
Robson Mendonça
0 responses
rails, cucumber, world object
Streaming Large Data Responses with Rails
Craig McNamara
3 responses
rails, streaming
Select Tag with class in Rails
Cassio Cabral
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ruby, rails
Host a static HTML/CSS site in Heroku
Rico Sta. Cruz
7 responses
php, css, heroku, static
simple full text search using postgres on rails
Greg Osuri
2 responses
ruby, rails, activerecord, postgresql
Testing concurrency with rspec, the easy way
Duarte Henriques
5 responses
ruby, rails, concurrency, rspec
Bypassing ActiveRecord query cache
Bashir Eghbali
0 responses
activerecord, caching, query cache, rails
Custom Form Builders in Rails
Matthew McMillion
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rails, forms, markup, slim
Page reload / refresh every 5 sec using Turbolinks - JS, Rails, JQuery
2 responses
rails, reload, javascript, turbolinks
Make Heroku run a non-master branch
Jordan Trevino
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heroku, git
Freezing time with time zone in RSpec
Wojtek Ryrych
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rails, rspec
Nesting conditions in ActiveRecord
Ernie Miller
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ruby, activerecord, rails
Render a jsonp response in Rails
Jay Aniceto
2 responses
ruby, rails, jsonp, ajax
Render template if exists in Rails
Cristian Andrei
1 response
rails, templates, dynamic, views
Keep your Heroku apps awake with KeepAwake
Robert Pearce
15 responses
ruby, rails, heroku, nodejs
How to generate ActiveRecord insert SQL
Ben Caldwell
0 responses
ruby, rails, activerecord, arel
Serving protected static content using nginx for speed and Rails server for authentication
Samuel Chow
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ruby, rails, nginx, thin
Handling has_and_belongs_to_many checkboxes with Rails 4 strong_parameters
Wilbur Suero
6 responses
rails, rails 4, habtm
Track page views the smart way with the Impressionist gem.
Sergio Tapia Gutierrez
3 responses
gem, analytics, rails
Postgres Enum Type in Rails 4
Gleb Mazovetskiy
4 responses
ruby, rails, postgres
Ruby String to Boolean
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ruby, rails