Ruby on Rails Development Tips
A collection of protips to help you work better with rails and dodge those nasty bugs.
How to truncate a string that's Markdown format
Vu Manh Cuong
0 responses
rails, markdown, truncate
Create an OAuth2 API with doorkeeper and devise in Rails
Carlos Andres Herrera
0 responses
rails, devise, doorkeeper
Bower and Rails. Friends forever.
9 responses
rails, bower
Heroku + Rails + Bower
Anthony Smith
13 responses
heroku, rails, bower
Scrape Site for JS Errors with Casper.js
David Morrow
5 responses
rails, javascript, casperjs
Run Rake tasks with Capistrano
Slava Ptsarev
3 responses
ruby, rails, capistrano, rake
pg_search with eager load on searchable association
0 responses
rails, ruby, pg_search
Hide cache folders (or any folder) in Sublime Text 2
Javier Cuevas
5 responses
rails, sublime-text, scss
Set up Ruby on Rails with Paperclip 5 and S3 using AWS SDK v2
Rory Koehler
2 responses
ruby, rails, aws, s3
Simple Ajax calls in Rails
Sebastián González
3 responses
rails, ajax
Animated Page Transitions in Rails 4 Apps
Justin Workman
11 responses
css, rails, coffeescript, javascript
Using delegate in Rails
Tom Kruijsen
3 responses
ruby, rails, delegate
Flush Sidekiq's Redis DB
1 response
rails, redis, sidekiq
Use ruby debugger when debugging RSpecs
5 responses
ruby, debugging, rails, rspec
Install mysql2 gem in Mac OS X with mysql installed via brew
Javier Toledo
3 responses
ruby, mysql, rails, brew
Reset heroku postgres database
1 response
rails, heroku, rake, deploy
Rails rake tasks to dump & restore PostgreSQL databases
Nathan Hopkins
0 responses
ruby, rails, postgresql
How to create an AMP page for your dynamic content in Rails
5 responses
rails, google amp, performances, mobile
Rails , HAML and form_tag
Martin Haynes
0 responses
ruby, rails, haml, form_tag
Find routes in Rails console
Tadas Tamošauskas
1 response
ruby, rails, irb
Mind the order of :includes for has_many :through
Robert Wünsch
2 responses
activerecord, rails, query
Avoid Double Render errors in your Rails App
Rajeev N Bharshetty
0 responses
rails, tips, controllers, render
Showing errors messages in Rails 4
Leonardo Faria
2 responses
rails, helpers
Setting range, step and format for vertical axis in google_visualr
Ireneusz Skrobiś
0 responses
rails, charts, google charts, google_visualr