Joined September 2013
clojure.spec cheatsheet
Alex Popov
0 responses
clojure, clojure.spec, cheat sheet
Iterate over a map in Clojure
Alex Popov
0 responses
clojure, map
Preloading scoped has_many :through associations
Alex Popov
0 responses
rails, activerecord, sql, eager loading
How to define fabricators of models with polymorphic associations
Alex Popov
0 responses
rails, activerecord, gem, assocations
How to make an AJAX create or delete request to a nested resource in RSpec
Alex Popov
0 responses
rails, testing, request, ajax
Exclude a directory from searching in Sublime Text 2/3
Alex Popov
0 responses
sublime-text, filter, searching
Regex for searching dynamically created I18n keys in Rails
Alex Popov
0 responses
rails, sublime-text, regexp, i18n
Remove color codes from a file to view it in a text editor
Alex Popov
0 responses
sublime text, regular expression, colors, regexp
Positive lookbehind and lookahead in Sublime Text 2
Alex Popov
0 responses
regex, search, sublime text 2, regexp
204 Karma
153,659 Total ProTip Views

Fork and commit to someone's open source project in need

The walrus is no stranger to variety. Use at least 4 different languages throughout all your repos

Mongoose 3
Have at least three original repos where Ruby is the dominant language

Have at least one original repo where Ruby is the dominant language