Ruby on Rails Development Tips
A collection of protips to help you work better with rails and dodge those nasty bugs.
Setting up a brand new Postgres powered Ruby & Rails Development Environment with Vagrant
Rory Koehler
5 responses
rails, postgres, vagrant, virtual box
Secure Tokens From Rails 5 to Rails 4.x and 3.x
Roberto Miranda
2 responses
ruby, rails, gem, backport
Convert Ruby hash keys to symbols
Bashir Eghbali
1 response
rails, hash
Fixing 'The Map doesn't Show up until I refresh' when working with Turbolinks in Ruby on Rails
Hamza Ouaghad
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jquery, rails, google maps, javascript
Enable GZIP support on Heroku
Luiz Fonseca
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ruby, css, rails, heroku
Integration Testing with rspec and devise
Esteban Sanín Ángel
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ruby, tdd, rails, bdd
Handling Exceptions in your Rails Application
Rajeev N Bharshetty
3 responses
ruby, rails, exceptions, tips
Clean out your Rails assets in development
Damon Davison
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ruby, rails, asset pipeline, javascript
Polymorphic associations and Single Table Inheritance
Niels Hoffmann
1 response
rails, sti, polymorphic associations
VPS Configuration from scratch - Rails, Nginx, PostgreSQL.
Sergio Tapia Gutierrez
7 responses
rails, nginx, devops, vps
Many to many in Rails: Tagging with Select2
Sebastián González
3 responses
rails, tag, select2
Rails: Exporting data to spreadsheets
0 responses
rails, excel, spreadsheet, xls
Strong Parameters & nested attributes don't forget [:id, '_destroy']
Ankit gupta
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rails, strong_parameters, nested_attributes
Guard + Spork on Rails 4 with RSpec and Cucumber
Job van der Voort
7 responses
rails, active record, guard, cucumber
Multiple Rubies with a single Passenger
Barnaby Alter
1 response
rails, phusion passenger
Generating Entity-Relationship Diagram for Ruby on Rails
Andy Kifer
5 responses
rails, agile, entity-relationship diagram
Rails 3; Mongoid; GridFS; Carrierwave Image Upload
Andrew Valish
2 responses
rails, rails 3, mongodb, carrierwave
Single Page App with Rails, Ember.js and jQuery Mobile
Tomasz Borowski
2 responses
rails, emberjs, jquery mobile, json
ActiveAdmin vs Nested Models vs Formtastic vs Acts as Relation
0 responses
rails, activerecord, activeadmin, formtastic
Use 'Thin' as your default Server in Rails App
Rajeev N Bharshetty
2 responses
rails, thin, server, webrick
Sorting on multiple fields in tire elasticsearch
Bashir Eghbali
1 response
ruby, rails, elasticsearch, tire
Comment out multiple lines in erb
2 responses
ruby, rails, erb
Use Redis as Cache store for Rails
Truong Hoang Dung
0 responses
rails, redis, cache
A few tips about includes and joins in rails 3
Titas Norkūnas
1 response
rails, includes, joins