Joined November 2012
When Redis can't set maximum open files
Niels Hoffmann
0 responses
redis devops ubuntu
Polymorphic associations and Single Table Inheritance
Niels Hoffmann
1 response
rails, sti, polymorphic associations
Flush DNS cache on OS X (> 10.6)
Niels Hoffmann
1 response
osx, dns
After editing, Upstart is not reloading your .conf?
Niels Hoffmann
0 responses
devops, upstart
App IDs in the Provisioning Portal are permanent
Niels Hoffmann
0 responses
ios, apple, provisioning
180 Karma
26,123 Total ProTip Views
24PullRequests Participant
Sent at least one pull request during the first 24 days of December 2014
Have a project valued enough to be forked by someone else
Mongoose 3
Have at least three original repos where Ruby is the dominant language
The walrus is no stranger to variety. Use at least 4 different languages throughout all your repos
Have at least one original repo where Ruby is the dominant language
Have at least one original repo where some form of shell script is the dominant language