Ruby on Rails Development Tips
A collection of protips to help you work better with rails and dodge those nasty bugs.
Journey from C# to Ruby.
Sergio Tapia Gutierrez
1 response
ruby, rails, c#
How to Migrate Database from Heroku to Postgresql RDS (Amazon)
Rafael Oliveira
0 responses
heroku, postgres, migration, database
Using SASS instead of SCSS by default in Rails
David Somers
4 responses
ruby, css, rails, sass
Display date ranges in text in Rails
Michel Billard
6 responses
rails, helper, dates
Display flash messages with Semantic-UI in Rails
Sebastián González
5 responses
rails, flash, flash message, semantic-ui
FactoryGirl syntax sugar for MiniTest
Phil Cohen
2 responses
ruby, tdd, rails, testing
Short url token generator
Josemar Luedke
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ruby, rails
Getting RMagick working with Mountain Lion
Pedro Rodrigues
4 responses
ruby, rails, osx, brew
Multi-line Ruby block in Haml
Ryan L'Italien
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ruby, rails, haml, syntax
ActiveAdmin custom routes
Denis Savitskiy
0 responses
activeadmin, ruby, rails, routes
ActiveRecord unscoped trap
Enrico Carlesso
1 response
rails, active_record, default_scope
Foreman: Sidekiq, Memcached, MailCatcher and Thin
Eduardo Martines
3 responses
ruby, rails, redis, memcached
Vim - Regex to change hash rockets to new hash syntax in Ruby
Nícolas Lazarte Kaqui
8 responses
ruby, rails, vim, vi
Ruby: SQLite3::BusyException: database is locked ?
Rafael Oliveira
0 responses
ruby, activerecord, sqlite3
Custom domain SSL for a small project is not cheap
Roger Lam
4 responses
heroku, rails, ssl, free piggyback
Fix those Nokogiri libxml version mismatch errors
Gabe Berke-Williams
4 responses
ruby, rails, nokogiri, libxml
Easily rename all routes for a Rails REST resource
Jon Thomas
0 responses
rails, rails routes
Dicas e Plugins para Sublime Text 2 com Ruby e Rails
Dan Jesus
1 response
ruby, rails, sublime text 2, plugins
Clearing dead/stuck/zombie Resque workers
Bashir Eghbali
2 responses
rails, resque
What to do when your Rails app is too big for Heroku
Terence Ponce
3 responses
rails, heroku, size, big
Set up a Rack reverse proxy for Rails or Sinatra or any Rack based stack
Andy Kifer
1 response
rails, rack, amazon s3, reverse proxy
Extended Paul Irish's DOM-based Routing for CoffeeScript
Tadas Tamošauskas
1 response
rails, web, routing, coffeescript
Stop your headache with IE and sessions inside iframes in Rails apps
Javier Toledo
10 responses
ruby, rails, ie, rack
Development Team Code of Ethics
Jason Torres
4 responses
ruby, rails, tools, process