Ruby on Rails Development Tips
A collection of protips to help you work better with rails and dodge those nasty bugs.
Deploying Meteor app to heroku with Meteorite and MongoLab
Jorge mollon
9 responses
heroku, meteor, meteorite, mongolab
Rails 'devise' alternative: Password-less (2FA) & Database-less User Sign-in/Sign-up Using One-Time-Password in 2 Minutes
0 responses
rails, ruby, user management, 2fa
Ember Data: Alternative Approach to Polymorphic Associations
Michael Bodnarchuk
3 responses
rails, emberjs, json, javascript
Getting Rails logs to appear in Foreman output
John McDowall
2 responses
rails, foreman
ActiveRecord empty? vs count
Luis Ezcurdia
6 responses
rails, activerecord, benchmark
redirect to canonical host in Rails 4
3 responses
ruby, rails, seo, redirect
Chain Rails scopes with OR
Nathan Hopkins
1 response
ruby, rails
Make a painless web API in Ruby
Colin Mattson
2 responses
ruby, rails, rest, api
Devise redirect AJAX request when session timed out(timeoutable module)
Mikhail Nikalyukin
1 response
ruby, rails, devise, ajax
Rails 4: Remove Turbolinks in your Rails app
Robbie Marcelo
0 responses
rails, rails4, turbolinks
CSS hex color validation in Rails
Mike Carter
0 responses
css, rails, hex, validator
Strong parameters with has_and_belongs_to_many
Cezar Halmagean
6 responses
rails, strong parameters
Add a confirmation step to your rake tasks
Michel Billard
2 responses
rails, rake, confirmation
Custom error partial with Ruby on Rails and Twitter Bootstrap
Julián Duque
2 responses
rails, twitter bootstrap
Rails ActionMailer SMTP Settings with Environment Variables
Kyle Welsby
1 response
rails, smtp, mandrill, action mailer
Serving pre-compressed assets through Apache
Robson Mendonça
0 responses
assets, apache, gzip, rails
Rails routing and namespaced models
Miha Rekar
1 response
routing, rails, model, namespace
Use toggle to update a boolean type attribute
0 responses
rails, rashmi14yadav, active_record
Restrict IP access in rails
Snir David
0 responses
ruby, rails
Rails: Upcase/downcase for Non-ASCII Strings
Sebastian Muszyński
0 responses
rails, upcase, downcase
Deleting nested hashes
Gus Bonfant
0 responses
ruby, rails, hash
Testing Anonymous Controllers with RSpec
Ezequiel Delpero
1 response
rails, devise, rspec
Setting routes for Rails API
0 responses
rails, api, routes
Grouped multiselect with simple_form and nested_set
sergey kuchmistov
0 responses
ruby, rails, simple_form, nested_set
Using arel_table for ILIKE (yes, even with integers)
Sam Slotsky
0 responses
rails, arel_table, ilike