Ruby on Rails Development Tips
A collection of protips to help you work better with rails and dodge those nasty bugs.
Using Code Climate's new test reporter together with Coveralls and SimpleCov's HTML Formatter
Wei-Meng Lee
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ruby, rails, testing, simplecov
Better Rails Logging (user_id, remote_ip) with Lograge on Heroku
Rafael Oliveira
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rails, heroku, logging
Adding placeholder for chosen multi-select using Ruby on Rails
Allen Chun
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rails, javascript, chosen
Rails - Internal Requests
James Brooks
5 responses
ruby, rails, rack, request
Running Rails 3.2.x under IIS 7.5, using SQL Server, and keeping the Asset Pipeline.
Andrew McElroy
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rails, windows, ruby 1.9.4, iis 7.5
Rails Rspec APIs Testing Notes
Alex Z. Li
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rails, rspec
Create Break Points in Rails with Passenger Phusion, Pry, Pry Remote
Bartłomiej Danek
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ruby, rails, debugging, nginx
Multi stage environments for your Rails apps with Ansible
Verónica Rebagliatte
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ruby, rails, capistrano, deploy
Force redeploy of Node.js project on Heroku
Vaughan Rouesnel
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heroku, deployment, nodejs
Use Pry instead of irb in rails console
Pavel Pravosud
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ruby, rails, console, irb
Using a regular expression to validate a field in a model and a segment in a route
Brad Fults
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ruby, rails, validation, routes
The Existential Operator in CoffeeScript
Robert May
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coffeescript, rails
Convert Active Record array to indexed hash
James Huynh
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ruby, rails, active record
Dynamic RSpec Tests
Ted Nielsen
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ruby, rails, bdd, unit testing
Remote (ajax) multi-select in Rails with Select2
Cyrus Farajpour
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rails, select2, ajax select, remote select
Run MongoDB as a Daemon
Rajeev N Bharshetty
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rails, mongo, database
Use a Remote Mysql Database With Heroku
Larry Scott
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mysql, heroku
Faster way to reset database entries
Alif Rachmawadi
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ruby, rails, activerecord, database
Tail Rails logs production and development
Jayson Mandani
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rails, log, jsonmanz
MySQL 5.6 doesn't accept empty strings on numerical fields
Nuno Costa
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ruby, mysql, rails
Using a Database through an SSH Tunnel in a Rails Environment
Nick Jacob
3 responses
rails, development, ssh, database
Render cached json using rails and redis
Tymon Tobolski
1 response
rails, api, json, cache
Stubbing a helper method in your capybara specs
Kareem Grant
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rails, helpers, rspec, capybara