Ruby on Rails Development Tips
A collection of protips to help you work better with rails and dodge those nasty bugs.
* Running Multiple Versions of Ruby in Production with RVM, Phusion Passenger, and Apache
Charles Hoffman
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ruby, rails, apache, rvm
Custom file names with Carrierwave and Amazon S3
0 responses
ruby, rails, carrierwave, s3
How to use mbstring on Heroku (PHP)
3 responses
php, heroku, mbstring
Calling app request on the rails console
0 responses
rails, console, api, controller
How to simply roll your own OAuth2 provider with direct user/pass access
Michiel Sikkes
0 responses
ruby, rails, api, oauth
Specify Ruby version in Gemfile
Anthony Smith
2 responses
ruby, bundler, rails, gemfile
Thoughts on being a programmer.
Sergio Tapia Gutierrez
5 responses
php, rails, .net, programming
Ignore (turn off) Devise config.reconfirmable while saving email in update action
Ireneusz Skrobiś
3 responses
rails, devise, reconfirmable
Show rails test logs in terminal
0 responses
rails, terminal, logs, tests
Parse Time in given TimeZone
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
ruby, rails
Ruby on rails image helper for retina display with foundation interchange
David Leuliette
2 responses
ruby, rails, retina, foundation
Unescaped html inside yml lang file in rails
Marcos Brizeno
0 responses
rails, translation, html, unescape
Migrating jQuery for use in a Turbolinks Application
Jessie Keck
8 responses
jquery, rails, turbolinks
render :nothing => true
1 response
rails, rspec
Install pg gem with
David Paluy
0 responses
rails, gem, pg,
Edit user without password in active admin
Jan Dudulski
4 responses
ruby, rails, activeadmin, active_admin
Resize image to fill or to fit depending on orientation with CarrierWave and RMagick
Javier Cuevas
1 response
ruby, rails, carrierwave, rmagick
Cache your partials, not the other way around.
Kamil Tusznio
4 responses
ruby, rails, caching, jbuilder
Changing Rails' Default link_to Text Color
Sharon Hunter
0 responses
css, rails, link_to
Create Break Points in Rails with Pry
JD Isaacks
3 responses
ruby, rails, debugging, pry
Calculate your age in years, days, hours, minutes, seconds in ruby
Emad Elsaid
0 responses
ruby, rails, script, code
jQuery File Upload + Rails + CarrierWave Application Example
Christopher Fernández
0 responses
ruby, rails, file, carrierwave
How to make one of "has_many :through" associations primary
Cristian Andrei
0 responses
rails, associations, has_many