Ruby on Rails Development Tips
A collection of protips to help you work better with rails and dodge those nasty bugs.
Caching with Rails 3.2
Ben Taylor
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ruby, rails, rails 3, cache
How to maintain a user session after a password change using Devise
Bill Eisenhauer
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rails, session, devise, change password
The rmagick gem trouble on linux
Igor Moiseev
2 responses
ruby, rails, gem, gcc
Devise password generator
Valter Martinek
2 responses
ruby, rails, devise, google refine
How to debug sidekiq workers in ruby with rubymine
0 responses
rails, debug, sidekiq, rubymine
Rails Authenticity Token
2 responses
ruby, rails, authenticity, token
Load Rails seed data into test database
Chun-wei Kuo
0 responses
rails, test, seed
Using Models in Rails Migrations
Yan Foto
0 responses
rails, models, migrations
How to Hide Your ActiveAdmin Path
Daniel P. Clark
3 responses
rails, activeadmin, random, secure
Remove all gems
Damian Tommasino
3 responses
ruby, rails, linux
Find slow postgres queries on heroku
Scott M
1 response
heroku, postgresql
Cucumber, Capybara 2.0 and Capybara::Ambiguous
Guillaume Hain
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ruby, rails, cucumber, bdd
JSON Views with JBuilder
Ben Taylor
1 response
rails, rails 3, api, json
Postgres, Rails, and Regex's
Jesse Wolgamott
1 response
rails, regex, postgres
Postgres on Yosemite
Clayton McIlrath
5 responses
ruby, rails, gem, mac
Using Pry with Pow
Ruben Ascencio
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ruby, rails, pow, pry
Brazillian currency fields with simple_form on Ruby on Rails
Patrick Müller
3 responses
ruby, rails, input, i18n
Redirect to previous URL after login with Devise
Lee Machin
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ruby, rails, devise, redirect
Painlessly Remove All Ruby Gems
Milan Roy
0 responses
ruby, rails, ruby gems
SASS Syntax Highlighting in Sublime Text 2
Aaron Miler
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rails, sublime, sass, scss
Best Practices: Testing Rails controllers with RSpec
Ryan Sonnek
2 responses
ruby, rails, testing, rspec
Log mongoid queries inline in rails console
Steve McHail
1 response
rails, console, logging, mongoid
Using UUID instead of ids with Postgres and Rails
Pavel Pravosud
4 responses
rails, postgres, migration, uuid
[Capybara] Click in a div/span
Luciano Sousa
0 responses
ruby, capybara, rspec, testunit