Ruby on Rails Development Tips
A collection of protips to help you work better with rails and dodge those nasty bugs.
Inheriting from: Struct
Ian Rodriguez
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ruby, rails
Create Dynamically classes in Ruby
Boris Barroso
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ruby, rails, activerecord
Failing to change user password in Rails console
Kenneth Falck
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rails, devise, password, user
Skip devise email confirmation on update
Ciocanel Razvan
1 response
rails, email, devise, email change
Get rid of Nokogiri LibXML warning on OSX Lion
Michele Gerarduzzi
1 response
rails, osx, nokogiri, libxml
How to use Rails 4.1 ActionPack Variants.
Sergio Tapia Gutierrez
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rails, web, responsive web
Node.js - PaaS everywhere!
Igor Ramadas
6 responses
heroku, nodejs, cloud, openshift
Doing slim templates with angular & rails? Try this.
Tim Anema
5 responses
rails, angular, angularjs
Inherited Resources with Rails 4 and strong parameters
Josemar Luedke
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rails, rails4, strong_parameters, inherited_resources
Copy postgres databases between Heroku apps.
3 responses
heroku, postgres rails
Reload a single gem dependency source file
Marcello Barnaba
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ruby, rails, hack, trick
Easy and beautiful Rails logs
Ruben Ascencio
4 responses
rails, logs, pow, grc
Remove ugly #_=_ string from URL when using Facebook OmniAuth
John jensen
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ruby, rails, facebook, js
Backup your Rails DB
Rajeev N Bharshetty
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ruby, rails, gem, backup
Custom Log Location in Rails
Stephen Orens
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ruby, rails, logging
Installing rmagick 2.13.1 in MacOS X Mavericks
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ruby, rails, osx, mac
Rails console and `app.get` result in the browser
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ruby, rails, pry
Make PG arrays actually use the GIN index (Don't use ANY)
Damon Aw
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rails, postgres arrays
Setting up a private ruby gems server
Matt Brewer
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ruby, rails, sinatra, ruby gems
ctags in Rails project
Jason King
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shell, rails, cli, ctags
Fix undefined method `per' error on Will_Paginate and ActiveAdmin
David Chua
5 responses
ruby, rails, active_admin, will_paginate
Follow redirects with jQuery PJAX
Michiel Sikkes
2 responses
rails, pjax
How to setup rails app on a mediatemple (dv)
Tom Caflisch
4 responses
ruby, rails, mediatemple, linux
Using retry to rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique
Gabriel Cebrian
0 responses
ruby, rails, sql, rescue
Dynamic robots.txt in Rails
Thomas Klemm
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rails, cloudfront, robots.txt