Python Development Tips
Get smart with these essential protips for python developers.
Set LANG variable in OSX terminal app
Manas Singh
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python, bash, osx, django
Mathematical expression evaluator in python
Vera Mazhuga
0 responses
python, math
Using Gravatar in an App (Python)
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python, gravatar, hash, mariwahl
Starting a django dev server that is externally accessible
Bayard Randel
2 responses
python, django, vagrant
Simple bulk import automation using psql COPY
Matt Keranen
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python, hybriddba, postgresql
Spoofing mac address
Deden Fathurahman
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python, osx, linux, network
Why assertions are so powerful
Alexander Gessler
2 responses
python, java, c, c#
Exploring SQLAlchemy - The best ORM: Introduction
Tony Narlock
0 responses
python, database, orm, sqlalchemy
New open source projects
Vinit Kumar
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python, open source, django, javascript
Linux build script
3 responses
python, shell, script, linux
Django session usage
Zorig Ganbold
0 responses
python, django, session
Unit testing in Python
Marko Klemetti
2 responses
python, nose, testing, unit testing
Format json output
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python, json, formatting
Build Periodic crawler with Celery
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python, unix, celery
A new web scraping tool for interactive sites
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web scraping, python, machine learning
Automatically compile .less and .coffee files
Filippo Valsorda
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python, less, coffeescript
Httpie for poor people
Igor Guerrero
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python, http, curl, httpie
Publishing for the Python Framework to Heroku
Joshua Oiknine
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python, heroku,
Manage Vagrant instances with Fabric
Rui Carmo
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python, vagrant, fabric
Pretty JSON in shell
Matias Korhonen
0 responses
python, shell, k33l0r, curl
Get yer serve on! Quick 'n Simple Server
Peter Peterson
1 response
python, css, html, javascript
Open-source ecommerce framework for Django
Caio Ariede
0 responses
python, django
Managing multiple versions of python on a Linux box
0 responses
python, pythonbrew