Python Development Tips
Get smart with these essential protips for python developers.
Make a photo upload service under 15 minutes
Arnaud Coomans
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python, heroku, s3, flask
Building dynamic sqlalchemy queries with PostgreSQL
Iain Campbell
0 responses
python, sqlalchemy, postgresql
Maven Web Resources Filtering in IDEA
João Marcus
0 responses
python, maven, intellij, idea
SimpleHTTPServer on Python3
Sebastian Schuth
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python, server, utility
dateutil.parse timezone
Ionuț Arțăriși
0 responses
python, timezones, gotchas
Exquisite enums in python
Gabriel Falcão
2 responses
python, django
Navigate WebDriver Browser Instance Through HTTP Basic Authentication
Ryan Blair
0 responses
python, selenium
Use Python to Create Apple Touch Icons
Patrick Coffey
1 response
python, cli, ios, apple-touch-icons
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Adam Baldwin
1 response
python, static, share
Django >= 1.6 Error <Model: Object> is not JSON serializable
Diego González
0 responses
python, django, error, serializable
Turning Vim into a modern Python IDE
Igor Leroy
0 responses
python, vim, leroy
Set up a chef server on debian with fabric
Thomas Massmann
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python, chef, fabric
Find similar functions between different programing languages
Mariz Melo
0 responses
ruby, php, python, perl
deprecate decorator
Tasos Latsas
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python, decorators
Create desktop application by using Flask and QtWebView
Saeed Moqadam
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python, flask, desktop application
Have Django prepend https to links
Joshua Gourneau
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python, heroku, django, https
How to install Sphinx Doc and Create a new Project on OSX
0 responses
python, shell, osx, sphinx-doc
Dynamic model resolution in Django
Björn Andersson
0 responses
python, django, dynamic, model
Filtering list in-place with for comprehension in Python
0 responses
python, for, comprehension
Detect weather unter x86 or x64 Windows
Malte Bublitz
0 responses
python, maltebublitz, wine, windows
Webshot: A Website Screenshot Extension for Alfred on Mac OS X
Jonathan Nelson
0 responses
python, productivity, download, mac os x
My hacking hq
Ryan Macy
0 responses
hackerdesk, python, nashvegas, sobro
Downloading buffered YouTube videos on Ubuntu using terminal
0 responses
python, terminal, youtube, ubuntu